Last week, Meta announced that parents would be able to create Meta Quest accounts for their children aged 10 to 12, dropping the previous requirement of 13 and over. Meta says these parent-managed accounts will require tweens to get parental permission before downloading apps and accepting follow-up requests.
A parent-managed Meta account allows parents to create screen time limits. Parents can also use a casting feature that projects their child’s VR experience onto a phone or TV, allowing them to see what their child sees while wearing a Quest headset.
Meta says the company won’t use a tween’s data to target them with ads, but will collect their data to “deliver an age-appropriate experience. “
Parents can choose whether they want their child’s data to be analyzed by Meta to create this experience, and all data associated with their child’s account is deleted when the account is deleted.
Still, Meta collects data from children aged 10 to 12, such as their geolocation and any photos or audio content the company receives from a child’s device. Parents must consent to Meta collecting this information to comply with U. S. children’s privacy laws.
Meta Horizon Worlds, Meta’s open-world virtual reality experience, will remain unavailable to children under the age of 13 to decrease their likelihood of interacting with predators.
However, it is unclear how prolonged exposure to VR might affect a preteen’s developing eyes and brain, which continue to develop until an individual reaches their mid-20s.
Meta’s Oculus Safety Center advises that children under the age of 13 should not use Meta VR Systems because “younger children have higher risks of injury and adverse effects than older users. “
Last month, the U. S. Surgeon General released a statement that detailed how prolonged social media use can affect a preteen’s mental health and social development. The same warning stated that prolonged smartphone use could affect a preteen’s physical health, posing a “profound risk” to that age group.
The statement acknowledged that the data to fully understand how social media and smartphone use can negatively impact tweens is insufficient, and even less research exists on the potential harms that extensive VR use can cause.
But as generative AI takes over, the tech industry has shifted its attention away from the metaverse to invest in the new technology. Even Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has acknowledged that investing in AI technologies needs to take precedence over metaverse development.
So if the metaverse isn’t what we thought it would be, why should kids be interested? Social Media Today says that opening up the metaverse and encouraging heads-up gear for kids could be a long-term business move for Meta.
Today’s kids are enthralled by open-world and customizable games like Roblox, Fortnite, and Minecraft. Meta may realize that adults are not its target audience, and it may find more success in preparing the next generation for virtual reality-based games and social connection.